(Yes, that is half of Fabio's face)
It took me, like, an hour to realise what I actually wrote.
I'm doing Mr.Grunwell tonight
Ok Ok I know I've been on hiatus for way too long and you (my loyal readers *.*) probably expected a juicier post than this. But I got nothing at the moment lah :'(
O wait, I got really good puns, but I doubt if any of you will comprehend la. But I'll put them here anyways.
- Hugh Heffer (LMAO) hint: He is the owner of the Playboy Mansion. This pun is just pure literal genious and yours truly came up with it (h)
- Melissa Ethernet (my personal favourite! HAHAHAH only Limewire freaks would understand this one)
Please feel free to ask me about the puns, as I tend to be very lonely and sad during the night.
[Do not worry my fellow readers, A REAL blog post WILL be coming soon (insyaallah)]