May 17, 2007


it's been soooo god damn long since I've posted! since april fools :D:D
well I've moved house so you know the hassle..

So yea, here are the highlights of the month:
- I've got triple C's in my science modular, just like I expected -.- but no worries! ^0^ I'm going to resit ALL MY FREAKING MODULARS on the months of june and november ^0^. Fascinating isn't it? -.-
- I've just totally realised that Travis was a band, not a person! shocking right? well I remembered it just now from my russia trip, I went to this music store and I saw a travis CD, and on the front cover there were four (or was it five :S) hot men standing there.. interesting.
- My uncle arrived to qatar, he got a job here, and he's moving in with us temporarily.
- Rachel cut her hair and she dyed it! and I so totally didn't notice and when she told me I was like omigosh ^0^ but in my opinion, it still looks the same :P except for a couple of brown-ish streaks(she'll kill me if she reads this ^0^).
- Grey's anatomy is now playing on MBC 4!! yay! and i totally totally looove it <3
- Asti and rachel is going to Kuwait for this arts festival thing, it looks fun but I aint going T_T cus there's modular resits on June 25th and I don't want to fail again -.-.

Hmm.. I think that's it lah, can't think of any other news. Ima go bycicling now.
Ta-ta bitches! <3


[[reeni]] said...

for the love of god, i dyed my hair in January!!!

and btw, the Kuwait trip is in November 2007. PURFAVOR, pls come!! :'(

thank god u updated ur blog. i shall inform the world about it.

Regina.Marhadisoni said...

o iya ya?? AHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA aku kira barusan ^0^!
dude, I dont wanna fail my test... AGAIN. -.- i wanna become rich in the future you know *.*
btw wht do u think of d new layout? its cute rite?? ^0^


Anonymous said...

GINAAA!! i really do start to wonder where you went! :'(

coool yoww good luck with the resit gina! :D

Regina.Marhadisoni said...

yow wasup chaylsi. (h) I dint have the internet fo a VERY long time cus the damn qtel niga dint show up -.- But Im here now, aint that great? :D
Thanks kak! but i dont think its gonna help me in any way -.-
I'll study anyways....