Host: So stevie, what is it like being blind?
Stevie: Well it could've been worse, I could be black.
^-^ I bet you Lol-ed at that
If you dint then you seriously have some issues to sort out. ^0^
After I've heard that joke, I began to wonder if stevie actually knew that he's black... i mean it is a possibility that he doesn't right??
Ooo its been so long since I've updated muh blog, but now I can do it whenever I want cus the EXAMS ARE OVER BAYBEE!!! it went aight tho (except for b1a).. hope I get gud marks this time (insyaallah) ^-^
Have you guys heard about the cannibalism in qatar?
In June 2007, four men in Doha, Qatar, were charged with murder and cannibalism. The incident came to light when one of the four men suffered from severe reactions after eating human flesh and was subsequently rushed to the hospital. When x-rays showed what appeared to be a human finger in the man's stomach, doctors called police.
Lets see wat Miz. sana has to say about this:
Sana: Cool
Sana: I wud've dun that
yea ok whatever ^0^: wtf!
yea ok whatever ^0^: AHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAAHAH
Sana: If I kill you ;p
Pretty nastay right. I guess doha aint that safe now... be careful rach! AHAHAHAHA
Even Ms.Josie is thinking of wearing a hijab when going to souks. Al Khor community is like a bubble, that's why I LOVE it here :D
I went to slate website and I saw sum pretty interesting photographs, here are a couple of my favourites:

A coloured man drinking from a segregated water fountain, 1950

Beauty Class :D this one made me laugh for some unknown reason -.-

A Llama!! sticking out its head from a car window, New York. how cute ^-^
O ya today we ahd a trip to CC and watched oceans 13! the movie was sooo AWEsome *.* george clooney looked way hotter than Brad Pitt.
And I went shopping wid muh nigga kiki. and I feel so nyesal tht I dint go to promod!!! it was frickin sale day!! like 50% off!! T.T aduhaiiiii
And yea. zainab from year 12, wore the same outfit as me :o thank god she wore a different colour or else she wudve killed me!!! ahahahah j/k j/k (i think -.-)
On the way back, someone farted on the bus.. and they blamed me for it cus i dint smell anything!!! hullerr i was too busy eating for god's sake -.-
heres sum piccies from tha trip yow, courtesy of racquelle and Mr.T.
Well that's it Folks, I'm off
Ta-ta <3