Ive just finished typing up my english script. As always, Im the one who saves the day lah, me and my coherentness ;)
O yea in the weekend rite, I was piled up with LOADS of work, mostly revision. So I decided to treat myself by..
Watching crap in youtube!
I know I am sooo cool ;)
Now I know what the lead singer of travis actually look like. Hes cute but pretty old now. O ya and theyre scottish >.< weird skali kahn. anyways heres a piccy of the lead singer, Fran.

He looks WAY hotter in video clips.
anyways that is all lah. Im off
"gina is so kyut"
that is so not true (H)
btw, yeaa the singer is hawt,
and yea he looks old :D
but no matter, his hotness stayed, and that is all that matters! :D
btw tell kak piga PRISON BREAK IS AWESOME! :D have you watched it gina?
i am !! ^0^ I tell that to myself everytime I wake up in the morning :D o ya and a guy called me kyut in russia behind mi back. farhan tld me so *.*
Yea he is ganteng rite. He "ages gracefully" ^-^
I dunno prison break but tht guy who plays in it looks like zainab's brother, ahmed. straynge yow.
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