I mean, am I just being prejudice here? or do those new "white kids from the block" roam around the corridors like they own the damn school?
And and..
The Gossip mother, *cough* rach *cough*, told me that those damn angmohs make out at the back of the bus.
HELLO! This ain't the US/UK/(insert caucasion nation) !!! This is a muslim country!
Suuure an act like that would be equivalent to a cat pissing on the pavement back at your place. But here, oh it's damned-unethical-can-die orright! Have some goddamn respekt!
cheesus crust
Oh speaking of cheese,
I made this 2 days ago in FT!

It's a cheese souffle!! yum-o right??
Ok so ideally, it should've looked something like this:

But Mr.Miles told me that mine "kempes-ed" straight after he got it out from the oven, so it turned out to look like cheese omelet instead!
Can't believe I slaved my ass for 2 hours just to make a doggone cheese omelet
It was worth it though, cuz it tasted DAMN good (H)
Oh yeah.
and mine was sooo ridiculous!!
Ridiculously orgasmic that is ;p
It went sum'n liddis:
*I went up to mr.vardy's desk*
Mr Vardy: Let's see, oh here it is. Biology, B1a. 47
Mr Vardy: Are you crying??
..LOL No I didn't cry. It was indeed very overwhelming, but I ain't THAT emotionally unstable hokaei (h)
So yea here is my oveerall mark (showoff mood liao) ;)
B1a: 47 : A*
C1a: 45 : A*
P1a: 42 : A
And my previous mark was..
triple C'z babay! :D:D
hahaha Life IZ gewwwd!!
I would like to thank GOD, for lending me a helping hand throughout the times I had to go through! my friends, for the outpour of support! my pops for paying the exam fee -.-, oh and last but not least, AQA TEXTBOOKS!! (no duh)
God that felt like reading an academy award speech or sumthing =.= wehh who cares lah!! I'M SO DAMN STOKEDD kyahahahauhauha !!!
When I showed the "bread-winning" results to my family, they reacted liddis (I am NOT making this shit up okay):
Pa = *Looks at the result paper* Mana nilai matematikanya?
translation: Where are the results for your MATHS?
Ma = Oh bagus, kawan gina dapat apa?
translation: Oh that's "GOOD", what did your friends get?
Kak Piga: beh whatever! I bet you can't get an A star by the end of the year! you'll probably get a D for your coursework and written papers!!
I've worked my butt off day AND night, and THAT'S the response I get??
It makes me wonder.. who am I doing all this for? I mean sure an A is great, but it means nothing if no one else appreciate it other than yourself right?
Anyway I'm still stoked, no doubt about that liao (H)
Oh yeah congrats to all the guys who got higher marks than last time!! Rach got her marks similar to mine!! weheww. Oh and my wifey sana got double A's!! so the next time you see her give her a slap in the ass ok cuz she worked soooo damn hard for those marks!!
Oh my god, almost everyone's got their happy endings!! teehee :D:D
God this post has got to be the LONGEST one in my blog. -.-
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