March 6, 2007

Best Day Ever! <3

So as u have noticed I have been blogging so much lately, I kno right I am so rajin. Unlike rachel and basma, u lazy hos -.-

So yea turns out we do have <3noone<3 this week cus mr.vardi is in india or sumthing. YAY!!
O yea today in chemistry class, he gave me his book!!! SCORE!
Kan Rahmi was like "but we onli have one buk" and he said to me "here you can have mine" AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA so cool yow!
O yea another gud thing happened, when i did a past physics test paper, I got 26/36 which is equal to an A!! but thats only the foundation paper results -.- but imma do the higher tier tonite :D (procrastination alert).

I dint go to the MUN meeting today cus I thought it was monday and it was all KIKIS FAULT! damn right it is! now miss patti is gonna be after my throat and its all cuz of u nigga!! -.-hmph.

I am thinking of changing my blog song cus its kinda pissin me off now. maybe sumthing more edgy and different. hmmm.. cnt think of any songs yet, but i will =D (procrastination alert)

Ok lah that is all, Imma watch cartoons now with muh baby sistah!


Anonymous said...

heauehuaeh yeaY!atlaZt i found it!! ok toOdLezz ginO =D

Regina.Marhadisoni said...

gila ko git!! masa' writing comment aja lamaa kli kau >.< !!
Thank you for commenting on my blog hunnehh <3

<3 Gina <3