my new song is Only hope by Mandy Moore.It IS an old song I know lah and it's not hip hop (fo shame!) but it certainly kicks ass. I think Ive heard it first from"A walk to remember".. i love that movie.. so romantic *.* and shane west is one good lookin daddeh!
Today is my mother's birthday and she didn't have a big party, just a small family thing.. When I asked her what age she was.. she gave me her birthdate cus she dusnt remember :D Its 1963 so I think shes.. 40? I dont know lah, correct me if I am wrong :D
It's strange, seems just like yesterday she was 37 ahahahahahhaha, i still thought she was in her 30s... weird. I admit that me and her.. we don't exactly have the "ideal mom and daughter" relationship but it's ok, It doesn't change the fact that I am still her daughter -.- All I wanna say to her is firstly happy birthday and sorry for all the shit i've done... i think thats it ahahahaha, we don't exactly have "intimate" conversations in this family, it's not "our thing" and I think it's pretty lame :D

I really should be doing my resolutions now because I am leaving on the 16th.. *sighs* Come to think of it, I really don't want to go now.. listening to a bunch of smartasses whining on about nuclear proliferation and all that crap >.<>
There is a science test on monday for me... I'm actually looking forward to that haha. weird I know :/ and I am creating a study group tomorrow for me and my class.. for COOL people only (h)
O yea something happened yesterday, something which I don't really care about but worth mentioning... all I want to say to that "person" is:
I've been thinking about apologising but when I thought about it, you ain't worth it. In fact... You mean nothing to me now (a line from godfather hahaha)
And If you think that every shit that happened to your life is because of me, screw you hippie!
And lastly, you are emo no matter what you say ok. So get over it.
If you wanna slit yourself or whatever, go ahead. -.-
That is all lah.
Making a band is on!! P.Diddiee!!!
Farewell ! (h)
OMG gina!!i love that song yow!!very nice...:D
appy b-day to ur mom!!
forget that"person"...i'll try to talk to her....don worry,i can handle this if u want me too...
u knoe wat,we have to be FRIENDS coz we gonna share room....get it?
Gpp nad, ngapain aku kawan ma dia lg.. so totally not cool =D. Aku ma kaw aja nantik pas russia kk.
Thank you for commenting hunneh! <3
EH u know somehow the song on ur blog made me laugh. coz its so not you.HAHHA
yes rachel I said that on my blog! -.- but its sooo nice kan *.* o well nantik aku change ke nigga shit agen aight?
Thank you for commenting hunneh! <3
Ginaw ^0^
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