July 17, 2007

Sweet Fifteen (wtf >.<)

Yes. It is that time of the year. Time to celebrate, rejoyce. and time to thank god for all the things he have provided you for all of these years

Anywayyyys. Yes I am fifteen bayyybee! I don't feel any different though -.- But from now on, I know that the security in the waha wouldn't call me "underaged" anymore.. SUCKERR

This post was sposed to be written like yesterday but I was too "busy" and "occupied" to write it out ^0^

So Today is Amie's bday, the narcis guwwwrll. wonder what she's doing in indo now :S
And on the 19th would be yon's bday, who by the way have set up a blog too, beeeeeery nise (http://ilike2lol.blogspot.com)

Man I've spent the holiday downloading and watching Grey's anatomy episodes and I tell ya, they get better and better each time!! wouldn't wanna spoil it for anyone or anything but..
gawd I'm a sad sad person T.T

btw people, asti was in canada and she dint tell me this before she go, how reewwwd!! :D you better get me that thing that I asked you for (which i will not reveal since this is a public blog ;p)

That's it for now.. I'll write more in 2 days time probably ^0^ (procrastination alert)

Ta-Ta bitchez<3

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