"Like a Virgin - Madonna" (If you haven't heard of it, you must be shot)
And the chorus goes something like this;
"Cuz you make me feel...
Shiny and New.
Like A Virgin
Touched for the very first time"
Due to her impaired hearing, my sister thought the chorus went;
"Like A Virgin,
Touched for the very third time"
We were like arguing about it for ages so then I'm like "You can't be a virgin if you're touched for the THIRD time moronnn!"
Lol Kinda pointless?
Sue me ^-^
You see my title? I mean it from the bottom of my frickin aortic pump. Can't wait till school!! I love school so much it's becoming somewhat orgasmic to me.. ^-^teehee
And yea this summer is the GAY-est-est one of my L-I-F-E. Don't believe me? I shall inform you about my daily routine:
- Morning: Shower, watch Jeopardy and wheel of fortune, do chores (wash dishes, laundry etc.) and play computer games. (I can't eat breakfast or lunch cuz I'm fasting T_T sighness)
- Sore: Go outside, cycle while listening to my mp3, avoid falling T_T, water the damn plants and shower again (I may be a slob, but I am a CLEAN slob)
- Night: Play computer games, eat, Play computer games, Play computer games
- Midnight/day: Read blawgz, chat with yonie, Play computer games, Play some more computer games.
I don't sleep btw ^-^ trying to set a record, it'll give me something to brag about whenever a teacher asks what I've achieved during the summer :D
Rachel, Uzair and Zainab are all back! wewww so nice yah <3 But rachel is in doha in a BIGGER house with a frickin BALCONY
kyaaaaaaaaaaa I'm so jealous!!! and she says the gym trainer looks like Chris Judd >.< dayyum that nigga must be livin it up in there.
That's it lerh, I'm off.. I'll leave y'all with a picture of a sea-sick bride, cuz I'm THAT thoughtful ^-^
With lurv,

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