March 2, 2007

Saturday Blues

Omg its been so sooo long since ive blogged up in here.. I guess I was just soooo busy (or lazy).

So yea yesterday was kak dian's wedding but i cudnt go cus I gotta babysit -.-. So no pics aight... O yea and I made shrimp and pineapple pie on thursday and it tasted naaassteeeyy. When I was making it mr miles was like "I still think its a wacky idea" lol. yes it is mr miles, yes it is.

O yea can anyone tell me how to put the music thingy in ur blog? cus i tried soo hard to do dt but i cant gosh am so blonde. Got soooo much hwk for tomorrow and theres 13 more days till i go to Russia! weeeeeeeeew can't wait.

Ok I gotta go shower now I smell like dog shiat *.*



x.ChasingRainbows.x said...

GINAA!! finally u post!! lazyy...jst like me...but i hav more posts thn u nigga, beat that! eh i love ur nice nd freshhhh :D


Nadia Syafinaz Zamri said...

yow gina!!finally u change ur blog layout yow!it's cool n fresh,nigga!!!
hey,ur shrimp pie was gd yow...aku mau lagi:Di love it!
lagi 13 days to Russia?? nervous lah!!!n 7 more days exam!!gd luck ya!
nanti kita bikin study group ya?

Regina.Marhadisoni said...

HELL yea. o ya nad nantik kau ajak si noone jugak ya? AWESOME =D