Racquelle tagged me >.< i think its her plan to get me to actually update my blog but it's working! here goes..
How many..1. Cookies could you eat at once?
not much really.. its been long since i've eaten one :(
2. Times do you clean your room a year?
I clean my room every damn day thank you ^0^ orders of the man of the house.
3. Times do you pee during the night?
I only pee once before I go to sleep but during the night, I try to hold it in cus Im scared to go to the bathroom ;p
4. Times you bathe your pets in a year?
well I dont have a pet anymore, but I do remember when I try and bathe my last pet he ran away from me.. for good! T_T
5. Times you brush your teeth a day?
2, morning and night (a)
6. Meals you eat a day?
I don't have meals, I just eat whenever im hungry. yes Im a BINGER ^0^
7. Approximate pounds of chocolate you’ve consumed in your life?
all i can say to tht is A LOOOOT. T^T im gonna die soon >.<
8. Times do you cry a week?
9. Jeans that you own?
Lots. I buy cheap jeans from carrefour ;) old navy, route 66, you name it! :D
.10. Money in your wallet?
I used to have a riyal but I spent it with my baby egit *.*
11. Times have you dyed your hair?
none, my hair is too seksi to be dyed (h)
12. Hours of TV do you watch a day?
I literally watch TV for the WHOLE DAY yow (h) shows keeps getting better and better. ooh which reminds me theres american idol today <3 yippeeee
13. Sodas do you consume in a day?
I used to drink a lot of em. but I aint got the money to buy it from the co-op anymore >.<
14. Sheep do you want on your farm?
8, 4 for mutton pie and 4 for my socks.
Do you believe in/support:Ghosts? Hell yea!
Aliens? yep
Abortion? Nope
Superstitions? Yes
Botox? no but in future I would like to have botox injection ^0^
Plastic surgery? Nah.
Religion? Yes!
The Bible? No
Yourself? ^0^ I sure do.
Marriage? Yes
Divorce? it depends, if my husband turns out to be a lying jackass then yea!
IF IF IF……….1. If you could go back to any age, what age would it be?
the age of when my laptop's screen is still SAAAANNEE T.T
2. If you met an alien?
I would reproduce with him to see what our babies would look like ;)
3. If you had three wishes, what would you wish for?
- I'd wish for an A on my next modular T.T
- I'd wish for an endless amount of food supply
- I'd wish for Ricky Martin to be in my front door next morning >.<
4. If you were up for sale, your ad description would say?
"Kyut as hell ^0^! and is able to move her ears if you tell her too ;)"
Which one are you?
1. You are a city OR country person?
country. Im a kampung person and Im damn proud to be one too ^0^
2. You think more with Passion OR Logic?
3. You’d rather die with your love by your side, OR without them?
With them laah
4. You’d rather drink Milk OR juice?
Milk, juice makes me thirsty
5. Your a Cat OR dog person?
Cat <3
6. Smoothies OR Milkshakes?
SMoooothies <3
7. Night Owl OR Day Bird?
Night owl <3 their eyes are goh-geuz
8. Chocolate Cake OR Apple Pie?
Choc.Cake !
9. Alternative rock OR 70s Disco Music?
I like both <3
10. Do you like your mate to be skinny winy or have a little chunk?
I like a man with a lil chunk! skinny winny dudes are SO NOT seksi
11. Rather get quilled by a porqupine OR stung by a jelly fish?
I'd rather get "quilled" by a porcupine, faster death ;)
Don't you just LOVE my new blog song? :D
Quote of the day:
"Did you guys and Mr.Vardi have IT??" - Bisma yousuf khan